Saturday, March 29, 2008

More news

Well, sleep came quickly last night and we all slept soundly until the call to prayer this morning at 3am. We quickly went back to sleep and woke up refreshed. Showers were taken and snacks were gotten for our long train ride today. BTW.... It's the last shower we will get until Wednesday! Pretty difficult for us Americans, but the norm for our host country. The pic above is the view from the window of the hostel we stayed in last night. On the top of the prayer tower are loudspeakers that broadcast the Call to Prayer five times a day.


Ying said...

Wow, looks and sounds incredible! Your cross-cultural experience is finally taking off...

Ying said...

You must be having a wonderful time and learning tons... I can just imagine what you must be thinking, how different yet so similar two cultures can be... bizarre, huh? I've been checking for updates, hopefully you can write soon. Downloaded Smile Empty Soul, they're great, just as you said...